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Submit New Location

The world is a big place. If you submit suggestions for a place you know near you, we can add it much quicker. It helps us keep the information up-to-date and will help us expand into your neighborhood faster. Have a look at the map to see if there's anything missing in your area.

The map below will center on your location and show the venues we have in that area. Venues that haven't been verified with photos yet will be shown as a GREY pin. The color of the pin indicates how many photos we currently have for the location. Click a marker and it'll load into the submit form. If you know that this place has a pool table, fill out the details, add a photo (if you can) and we'll update it. Drag the map and new places will show up; we only load 50 at a time.

Thanks for suggesting new locations; it's more helpful than you know. We’ll receive a notification about this submission and review it. Soon after that, you should see it showing up in ChalkySticks.

Submit New Tournament

Thanks for suggesting a new tournament; it's more helpful than you know. We’ll receive a notification about this submission and review it. Soon after that, you should see it showing up in ChalkySticks.

Submit Feedback

Thanks for the feedback! We're always listening and appreciate you as a user.
